I was going through all our vacation photo's and do you know how sometimes you see something while your working and it just makes you laugh out loud? Well, going through these tonight I came across a picture that just made me laugh. We are going to play a little game here. Take a look at this first picture and see if you can figure out what it "is". Yes, Matthew looks like he's in a great deal of pain, but trust me, no one was injured in the making of this vacation. Here it is (Don't scroll down yet):

Can you guess what's going on?? No? Okay...here's the REAL deal =)

Here's how this all came about. We were driving and up ahead down the road out in the middle of nowhere'sville I saw this HUGE Paul Bunyan! We HAD to stop and force pictures! Matthew was not happy at all, he said Paul creeped him out. But when mom begs...she tends to get her way so pictures were taken and all was well with the world.
And, just because I think these are really cute pictures of the kids, here are some of them fishing on the doc behind our cabin:

Here are two of our Cabin, the picture on the left is one of the front of our cabin and the one on the far right is one of the kitchen window. When we first arrived we, for the life of us, could not figure out what this HOOK was doing hanging from the middle of the kitchen ceiling RIGHT at eye level. All of a sudden about 3 hours later it dawned on me, it's to hold the WINDOW open! How ingenious!! The middle picture is proof positive that my children, do indeed, have THE meanest mom in the world. Yes...houston...that is homework they are doing...on vacation!

Well it's late and I'm tired, I have a busy day tomorrow and I really am longing for bed. Until we meet again.
Keep Riding...
1 comment:
Great pictures! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the giant Paul Bunyan!
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