Had a Halloween party at our house this year. Our first ever and the main reason for this soiree was because I found it very depressing that my children, after 16 years, did not want to go trick or treating with me.
. However, after all was said and done, Bethany decided to go to a friends sleep over/party and go trick or treating with them!! Subtle message that tricks and treats with 17 year old friends trumps those with the fam?? Anyway. Took off Thursday and Friday with honey to get the house in order, shop, plan, spend time together, in general, have fun and not be at the J.O.B. The shindig was set to begin at 7pm on Friday night and I was nervous. Would folks have fun? Would they stay or come and then leave shortly after. We borrowed the neighbors fire pit for the yard and put a bunch of chairs around it. Made TONS of food and spent some time at the liquor store. David had a rough time getting the fire to catch and stay lit but nothing a little (lot) of lighter fluid couldn't fix. Very happy he still has both his eyebrows!! Our friends Myron and Alyssa brought "Kitty box treats" which was a litter pan with oatmeal for litter and melted tootsie rolls for the "treats" which you scooped out with a little kitty sifter. I thought it was incredibly funny...but I had done a few shots of whiskey before they arrived.
I was very happy with the turn out and the fact that folks seemed to not only be having a good time but that they wanted to stay. I finally got to bed about 1am...very tired...very woozy...and very happy. Here is a bunch of foto fun. As always, click for biggerness:

My sweet darling daughter...what? no pretty princess this year?

Blue haired Matthew...
My Punkin Bars

My sister-in-law Pam, in my kitchen

BESTEST neighbors in the world, Myron and Alyssa. Myron was a fawn (think Narnia) and Alyssa was a fairy

...and LOOK, they brought "Treats"...


Exactly HOW much "Raid" will it take to get to the center of this Lolly...er Spider...

VOILA!! The lighter fluid worked! And he STILL has both eyebrows!!
Well, I wish I had gotten some pics of me but, well, I forgot to ask someone to snap some. I will try to get better about that. Until then...
...Peace out!
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