So...this time I wanted to go with the "Collector's Edition" because I wanted the kewl sound track CD that came with it (all the other stuff was bonus crap). Anyway, unless you pre ordered it (and who has that kinda money laying around on any given day) you were SOL! So over lunch I went to a few stores downtown...they all had the regular expansion but NOT the Collector's one. I was losing heart. Finally I called out to the Lakeville Target and they had TWO left! It's a ways away from us but they were willing to hold one for me behind the counter till I could get there so I said THANKS!!! with a full and happy heart.
I worked until 4:30pm (or shortly there after), caught David's bus and rode to the end of the line. Waited at the car for him while he turned in his bus and picked up his stuff then off to Lakeville we went.
The boy was true to his word and had put one behind for me, I got it and we raced home. Gave the kids some of the stuff that it came with then raced down to the basement to install said expansion...
It is now 2 hours since I started and I try to log in and I get this!!!

well...what's one more day, right?
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