Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Snow, snow, snow...
I want the snow to melt!! I don't mind the cold but really...the Maybe as I lose more weight and get better it won't bother me so much. Will let you know.
...Peace out
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Baby it's cold outside...
Learned three things this morning. First, don't bother bringing the coffee along, make it at work. It was luke warm once I arrived at the station and cold by the time the bus arrived. Two, wear hiking boots and two pairs of socks. My feet got very cold standing on the concrete waiting, biking I was fine. Go figure. Third and finally, bring a scarf! Again, riding was fine, it was the WAITING that sucked. Hmmm I am seeing a pattern here...biking is great, toasty and fun...waiting around is cold, sucky and boring. Could it be moving is better than standing? I really must resist the urge to start singing "Everyone move your body..." Time to get cracking on the J.O.B thing.
Peace out!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
...Who knew??
We KNEW there had to be a way across and after much research a glimmer of hope did shine through. Hope came in the form of the OLD "Bloomington Ferry Bridge". So we decided to give it a whirl and left from our house in Burnsville and headed in that general direction.
About 10 miles in to our ride, I heard a loud pop coming from the rear of my bike but nothing that jarred me or made me suspect I had run over anything so I slowed down (mind you, didn't stop) and tried to asses the situation. Everything seemed ok so I kept riding and David, being quite a bit ahead of me, had no clue anything had happened at all. One and a half miles later, after slowing down for a stop sign, my bike definitely was not functioning properly at all. I called ahead to David, who came to a stop right away while I coasted the rest of the way to meet him.
We checked my bike and saw what "seemed" to be the rear brakes completely hugging the back wheel. Thinking they had seized up we tried to loosen them, just disengaging them proved to be harder than we had expected. No matter what we tried we could not get things to line up properly. At first we thought the wheel was not sitting true to where it should so we kept trying to readjust it but at this point it wouldn't even spin.
At this point our main thought was how do we get home. Do we disengage the rear brakes and drive home? This seemed like a good idea until I thought of all the hills we had gone over to get to this point and trying to go back down some of them without a rear brake just didn't seem like the smartest thing to do. So we did what we could to get the wheel to just spin and walked the bikes to the back of an old building to lock them up and try to get a cab to come pick us up.
We called a friend to get a cab company phone number but the only pen we had on us decided to take the day off and did not work so with stick in hand David scratched the number in to the dirt. We called the cab.
45 minutes later and $30.00 poorer we were home and picking up the car to head back out and fetch our bikes. We took my bike to the shop, told them the story and they took a look at it. VOILA! I broke a spoke and just riding on the wheel with the broken spoke for 1 1/2 miles bent the rim of the wheel throwing the whole thing off balance. Who knew spokes were so important???
As always...Click to super extra calories included!
Didn't see many cars while we waited...but we did see some horses!

This was the final resting place...because it was Sunday, it was closed, of course

Etch-a-Sketch...the original version...
(cab number)

(my feelings on the whole situation)

(Waiting for the cab...)

(...Still waiting for the cab)

All in all it was an adventure to be sure. And in the end...we never made it all the way to the bridge but we came within a mile...we will be back! We WILL make it across the river!
Until then...
Peace out!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Lovin' Life!
As always, click for biggerness!
I have to say all in all it was a great ride!! Was 29 degrees, sunny most of the time and not much wind. It was a little harder riding in the snow as it seemed to take more muscle power to actually move the bike, was almost like riding in sand only slippier (not sure if this is a word but it works). Hills are much harder because of the having to work the muscles more but I made it up all but one hill at the end.

And at the halfway point I stopped at a coffee shop to warm up a bit and do some reading and was rewarded with live music, he did a great job and it was so nice!

What a great morning! 17.56 miles of ME POWERED GREATNESS!! Loved every second!

Peace out!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I don't want to be fat any more! I wish my friend didn't have a candy bag hanging right next to my cube (though, I have not touched it in 2 days, I could kick myself for ever allowing that ONE treat after I had not touched it for months...I feel like I am starting all over). I wish I had more self control.
Good news is, if I HAVE put some weight back on it hasn't been much so I don't feel like much sabotage has been done to my progress thus far, however, with the holidays fast approaching I need to figure out how I can eat what I want to, in smaller portions, and still move forward, even if it's a millisecond at a time instead of a day at a time.
I did go and get some more apparel to wear for cold weather while biking, I got a hood/hat/neck warmer/face thingy last night, also picked up a REALLY large reflective full vest that will fit over my winter coat so if I have to ride in the road (while sidewalks are still snow covered) hopefully I'll be seen better and sooner and some thermal long sleeve undershirts to wear under my bike jersey, never did find a long sleeve jersey I liked and now I can't justify the 100 bucks to get one a.) so close to the holidays or b.) just when we are about to "not buy" anything for an entire year. More to come on this newest adventure.
David has to work this coming Saturday (normally our day to venture out for a long trek) so I am planning to go out on my own...however, I am nervous because I don't want to get lost...REALLY don't want to get lost. Will be sure to bring my camera, though, just incase I do misplace myself I can at least take pics to blog my trip.
ok. must get to work...J.O.B...back to the salt mines, someone crack the whip!
Here's to hope floating!
Peace out!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wrath of the Lich King!!!
So...this time I wanted to go with the "Collector's Edition" because I wanted the kewl sound track CD that came with it (all the other stuff was bonus crap). Anyway, unless you pre ordered it (and who has that kinda money laying around on any given day) you were SOL! So over lunch I went to a few stores downtown...they all had the regular expansion but NOT the Collector's one. I was losing heart. Finally I called out to the Lakeville Target and they had TWO left! It's a ways away from us but they were willing to hold one for me behind the counter till I could get there so I said THANKS!!! with a full and happy heart.
I worked until 4:30pm (or shortly there after), caught David's bus and rode to the end of the line. Waited at the car for him while he turned in his bus and picked up his stuff then off to Lakeville we went.
The boy was true to his word and had put one behind for me, I got it and we raced home. Gave the kids some of the stuff that it came with then raced down to the basement to install said expansion...
It is now 2 hours since I started and I try to log in and I get this!!!

well...what's one more day, right?
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Over Hill…Over dale…and hill…and hill…you get the picture

This was only one stretch of the hilly goodness we traveled, doesn't it look roller-coaster fun??

This is a snap shot of the park around Lake Cleary

...And another one...

David, Aaron and Matthew as seen at Lake Cleary during our "rest stop". Matthew is quite happy playing with Aaron's pocket knife. Kept him pretty occupied for the good part of 30 minutes!

...Wonder what he's thinking...
He's probably thinking...we have to ride all those hills home now...huh...
Don't ever give up!!
Peace out!
Happy Halloween!
I was very happy with the turn out and the fact that folks seemed to not only be having a good time but that they wanted to stay. I finally got to bed about 1am...very tired...very woozy...and very happy. Here is a bunch of foto fun. As always, click for biggerness:

My sweet darling daughter...what? no pretty princess this year?

Blue haired Matthew...

My sister-in-law Pam, in my kitchen

BESTEST neighbors in the world, Myron and Alyssa. Myron was a fawn (think Narnia) and Alyssa was a fairy

...and LOOK, they brought "Treats"...


Exactly HOW much "Raid" will it take to get to the center of this Spider...

VOILA!! The lighter fluid worked! And he STILL has both eyebrows!!
Well, I wish I had gotten some pics of me but, well, I forgot to ask someone to snap some. I will try to get better about that. Until then...
...Peace out!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Flat Fun...
Having said that. It was a cooler morning so I decided to check the air pressure in my tires before heading out for my morning ride to the transit station. I usually need to leave the house by 4:30 in order to bike to the station, lock up the bike and get in line for the bus. So, at 4:15 I locked the front door and headed into the garage. When I checked the pressure in the front tire, it was as I had suspected, a little low so I pumped her up, checked again and moved to the rear tire. It too was a little low so I pumped it up as well. However, I could NOT remove the pump from the stem to save my life! At first I just thought it was a little stuck (like you can be a little pregnant...right?), anyway, I pulled and pulled, yelled at it to "LET GO!", cursed loudly, watched the time tick by and also, to my dismay, watched a tiny bit of the tube pop through the stem hole. I had pulled too hard. Too much vigor. Too much anger. This is not good, I thought to myself. Then it appeared. A tiny bubble...and it started to grow and within a minute my tire had blown! Shit! Thankfully my car DID start and I was able to drive to the transit station to catch the bus (it's been forever since I've driven my car so I wasn't too sure it would turn over).

(Scene change....Later in the day after work...)
Let me further explain, I had yet,up until this point, ever fixed my own flat on my own bike. So I thought about this all day at work. I knew I wanted to try and fix it myself, be self sufficient, etc, etc. I also knew that I would need to remove the wheel to do it, further more the real wheel, which meant I would need to deal with the chain and the derailleur. Oooo scary!
After getting home from work I changed out of my clothes and into sweats and headed out to the garage. After a good long look at the rear wheel and replaying in my head everything I had read earlier in the day online about how to remove the wheel, handle the chain and fix a flat, I dug in. Got the wheel off, laid the bike down on it's left side to protect the derailleur and proceeded to remove the tire from the wheel in order to extract the tube. After 20-30 minutes of hand greasy fun I was finished, wheel on, pumped up to 40 lbs (all we could do with our little hand pump). Feeling mighty proud of myself and looking at my WHOLE bike all put back together we find an extra part on the garage floor! Shit! Shit! Well, I don't know where it goes, don't remember it even being on there...but what the hell!...I have David load up the bike onto the back of the car and drive me to the bike shop. There he (aka the bike guy at the shop) looks at my bike, looks at the part and says it doesn't come from a bike at all (later we discover it's part of our garage door...who knew?). The bike guy said I did a great job and pumped up my tire the rest of the way to 80lbs for me and we left on our way. I gave her a test spin when I got home, it held! Again, I am super proud of me!! However...still can't get all the grease off...
Until later...Peace out!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Headwinds!!...and shoulderwinds...legwinds...and hills
Yesterday, instead of packing the steeds up for a ride through St.Paul or Minneapolis, we decided the starting line would be home sweet home. Aaron drove his truck over with trusty bike in back about 9:15 am. We were still getting ready but all in all just about set. After much prepping, water bottle filling, air pressure checking, setting the crock pot full of “after biking chili” to simmer and the ever layering of clothing we were good to go.
We set out about 9:45 and headed out. Made a quick stop a couple miles away at Eriks bike shop for a map and ear warmers...we are heading into our first winter biking and we realized quickly that the ears get cold quickly!
After much window shopping we picked up a map, ear warmers and a mirror for D's bike. We have been wanting a mirror so that he can see me pulling up the rear as we ride since I generally follow last to make sure we don't lose anyone. Oh…and Aaron bought me a pink bell for my bike....thanks Aaron! We MUST spread the zen!
It was a really pretty day and we didn't have a path set in stone, we were just riding. Had a general idea of where we wanted to end up but the getting there was completely random. Matthew had a party to get to at 2:00pm on Palamino drive so we needed to work our way in that direction around the 2pm(ish) time frame so that we could drop him and his bike off there for some good ole' 12 year old boy video gaming fun.
It was a very very windy day and no matter which way we turned it seemed we were riding into the wind. This made hill climbing even more of an adventure…and there were lots and lots of hills. I became a raging bitch about 1:45(ish) as I had hit my wall. We hadn’t taken a significant break all day and had gone about 22 miles. The Raisin Bran I had had about 8:30am in the morning had long since worn off and frankly, I’d crested my last hill as far as I was concerned! After a good 7 minute sulk alone along side of the road, I saddled back up and met the boys further down out front of Falcon Ridge Middle School. We were closing in on our destination, Matthew was getting really jazzed up about making it to his buddy Joes’ party soon and all I could think of was “there is a “Kwik Trip” at the end of Palmino drive…they have HOT DOGS and GAS STATION FOODS!!” I was a woman possessed!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
After that we headed to pick Bethany up from school as she stayed late to work with her team on a project they wanted to finish. By the time we got home it was 5pm and my thrill to work out had diminished =) Well, I decided to bite the bullet and do it (it helped that I had a caramel for a quick pre-workout pick me up).
Did one hour with Richard and now I feel great
Well time to destress and relax then eat some dinner, head to bed...then rinse repeat tomorrow =)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Out and About
A gorgeous day of riding...10:00am till roughly 3:30 and saw tons of locals sites. Great company, our buddy Aaron came along and the three of us entertained more than a few folks along the way. Ahhh Aaron...I may not love you anymore...but I don't love you any less =)
We are going again next weekend and this time I will remember to bring the camera. The trees are FABULOUS this time of year...I hear a pictures worth a thousand words but there's a storm coming so you'll have to make do with the measly 225 words so far (I do get extra credit because a few of them are awesome links to fun places you have to see!)
Mega thanks to all the drivers who were courteous and paid attention to us bikers, it sure is nice when we can all share the roads without fearing for our lives!
23 miles of "Me Powered Greatness!
1 less car
It doesn't get any better than this!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Bits and Pieces

Can you guess what's going on?? No?'s the REAL deal =)

Here's how this all came about. We were driving and up ahead down the road out in the middle of nowhere'sville I saw this HUGE Paul Bunyan! We HAD to stop and force pictures! Matthew was not happy at all, he said Paul creeped him out. But when mom begs...she tends to get her way so pictures were taken and all was well with the world.
And, just because I think these are really cute pictures of the kids, here are some of them fishing on the doc behind our cabin:

Well it's late and I'm tired, I have a busy day tomorrow and I really am longing for bed. Until we meet again.
Keep Riding...
Monday, September 29, 2008
Near Disaster Averted!

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
6:10 I bike to the meeting and it lasts until after 8:30pm. We had to clean up all the chairs and tables at the end so by the time I made it home it was a little after 9pm. I was so tired.
Fast forward to today. Up at 3:45am and off to bike to the station at 4:30am to catch the bus into Minneapolis.
I'm tired and there is so much I want to do before we go on Vacation that I have to wonder how I'm going to get it all done.
Feeling overwhelmed.
Finished my book "The Time Traveler's Wife" this morning on the bus ride in to work. Wow...what an amazing book! So good, so funny and sad and romantic all at the same time. I makes me think. I really think everyone should read this book, I absolutely loved it.
17 miles so far this week of "me powered greatness"
0 gas burned
1 less car
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Thursday - September 11, 2008
Anyway, I rode to the station and locked up my bike, David drove down there and picked me up and drove me to work. He didn't have any desire to bike in the rain. So here I am, to work early and feeling great! All in all it worked out. More to come!
Soaked and Stoked!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Promised Pics
This is honey (well minus 52 pounds of him) and yes, this is our cooler and fun time supplies being pulled in the dogs trailer.
...Sorry Pickles...this is why the cooler got top billing this time.
....Let's play "Guess who didn't want to come". SAY CHEESE!
...Matthew and I found a path that went down to the river on one of our rest stops.
...No cooperation, I tell ya'. You can almost see her face!
I took this picture as we left that rest stop and continued on towards Welch Station. You can see Bethany (in the black), Matthew is in the red and blazing our trail is David in the blue. That's me, behind the camera...don't I look pretty =)
Well, it's now 8:04pm and I can hear my book calling my name (as well as my pillow, my blanket, my bed and possibly a tall glass of ice water if I listen REAL hard!).
15 miles so far this week of "me powered greatness"...
0 gas burned...
1 less car...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The most wonderful time of the year!
Tuesday – September 2, 2008
Today was the first day of school. Half of the house was thrilled…the other…not so much. I took the day off from work, spending a precious vacation day, to stay home and relive my “stay-at-home-mom” fantasy slash previous life. I was up early, as usual, kissed David goodbye as he left for work, made more coffee (Hazelnut) and then waited for my darling children to wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as I knew they would be. Once they were up and moving I commenced to make breakfasts of choice. Bethany decided, time being short as usual, to have a egg on toast sandwich and a quick cup of coffee before chanting one more “I don’t want to go to school” as she headed out the door. Just in case I had forgotten and would quickly, upon that revelation, change my mind and extend summer vacation one more day. Matthew, on the other hand, opted for scrambled eggs, toast and coffee (cream and sugar with coffee for color). Surely sixth grade would be an undertaking worthy of large amounts of caffeine to get ones finally “almost teenage” brain motivated. Or so I am told…all the time.
The morning flew by quickly and much to my chagrin, Matthew did not like my idea of me and Pickles walking him to his bus stop. I, personally, didn’t see what the big deal was, this was a huge step! This new bus stop is NOT in front of our house but a block away. DOWN the street! Well, after his initial look of horror dissipated, he quickly threw on his best “I love you anyway mom” face and all was forgiven. He left, on his own…Pickles and I waving (and wagging as they case may be) goodbye from the door.
7:15…all is quiet.