Thursday, December 18, 2008

Self destruction

I really hate my "inner critic". She says the meanest things and makes me sad =(

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow, snow, snow...

Well, here I am at work feeling like a complete wuss. My "plan" was to bike to the transit station this morning and bus it to work since David had to leave the house at 3am. Burnsville got a ton of snow last night but I didn't care, I was biking to the bus! David wanted me to drive, said it wasn't safe, said he was worried...but I wanted to bike. I miss biking. So I spent the extra hour preparing myself to head out. Several layers of clothing, face hood, ski goggles, ear covers, 2 pair of gloves, the garage and the plows hadn't come. A good 2+ inches on the ground (on top of ice), I still tried to go...but had to turn around and come back home, park the bike, de-layer myself a little and drive the car. NONE of the bike path was plowed yet. It was a mess and as much as I love biking, miss biking...and even though I ride on the road for about 70% of my commute. There is one section where it's just too dangerous and I need to use the bike route...I didn't feel it was worth taking my life in to my own hands to attempt that stretch on the road since the path was inpassable. Feel like I've failed =(

I want the snow to melt!! I don't mind the cold but really...the Maybe as I lose more weight and get better it won't bother me so much. Will let you know.

...Peace out

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Baby it's cold outside...

Biked in to work today, when I left the house to head to the bus station it was 15 degrees outside with a slight wind, weather man says 9 miles an hour. I Felt good and toasty on the inside though, only a little bit of remaining snow on the path with patches of ice, nothing major. One thing I hadn't counted on was when I arrived at the transit station, the snow plows had pushed the snow from the parking lot up in front of the bike lockers...whoops. Had to do some kicking to get the door open but otherwise went smoothly. Got the bike tucked in to her locker for the day and went to stand in line for the bus which was, in the end, late arriving. Was funny to listen to all the complainers about the cold and breeze, really, I didn't think it was all that bad. If you dress for the weather you should do just fine. There is never bad weather, only bad apparel. Supposed to be light snow today, tomorrow and tappering off on Wednesday...we'll see how it goes.

Learned three things this morning. First, don't bother bringing the coffee along, make it at work. It was luke warm once I arrived at the station and cold by the time the bus arrived. Two, wear hiking boots and two pairs of socks. My feet got very cold standing on the concrete waiting, biking I was fine. Go figure. Third and finally, bring a scarf! Again, riding was fine, it was the WAITING that sucked. Hmmm I am seeing a pattern here...biking is great, toasty and fun...waiting around is cold, sucky and boring. Could it be moving is better than standing? I really must resist the urge to start singing "Everyone move your body..." Time to get cracking on the J.O.B thing.

Peace out!