Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday, January 24th ...My Monday...

(4:47am) I thought I could get away from calorie counting or point counting or tracking food in general, in any form...but it is apparent, this will not work.  I thought that if I just "ate what I should and leave it at that" it would be enough.  It's not.  I MUST count calories and track every bite.  I must.  At least for now and the near future, track...count...weigh everything.  After 3 weeks of hard work and struggle and dropping those 7 pounds, as of this morning I am back UP those 7 pounds plus an additional .4 more.  SO FAST!  SO not fair.  So disappointing, frustrating, infuriating...3 weeks to scrape and struggle and cry them off...3 days to pack them back on with absolutely NO effort what so ever.  Do I feel like a complete failure?  Hell yes I do.  However, I can't give in to those feelings as I will attract that energy.  I don't want that.  So...new experiment, I am 24 days into the new year and starting today I will track ever single thing I eat for the rest of the entire year.  This is gonna hurt.

If I don't track it...my body will....for the entire world to see.

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